All nonresident Bangladesh nationals and persons of Bangladesh origin including those having dual nationality and ordinarily residing abroad may maintain interest bearing Time Deposit Accounts named "Nonresident Foreign Currency Deposit (NFCD) Accounts" with any Authorized Dealer (AD) Branch of Agrani Bank. 

Bangladesh nationals serving with Embassies/High Commissions of Bangladesh in Foreign countries as also the officers/staff of the Government/Semi Government Departments, nationalized banks and employees of corporate bodies posted abroad or deputed with International and Regional agencies like IMF, World Bank, IDB, ADB etc. during their assignments abroad may open such accounts with Agrani Bank Limited. Crew members of the Bangladeshi shipping companies are not entitled to open such accounts, but shore staff posted abroad may open such accounts. Accounts may also be opened with funds transferred from existing foreign currency accounts maintain by the wage earners with any AD Branch of Agrani Bank. 

The accounts are in the nature of Term Deposits maturing after one month, three months, six months and one year. The accounts may be maintained in US Dollar,Euro, Pound Sterling or Japanese Yen: initially with minimum amount of US$1000 or Pound Sterling 500 or equivalent. Account may be opened against remittances in other convertible currencies after conversion of those into US Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling or Japanese Yen. 

These Accounts may be maintained as long as the Account Holders desire. Eligible persons are also allowed to open such Accounts within six months of their return to Bangladesh. 

Eligible Bangladesh nationals may send applications along with a set of specimen signatures of the opener of the account to any AD Branch of Agrani Bank. in Bangladesh duly verified by any Bangladesh Mission abroad, or a reputable Bank or any other person known to the AD Branch of Agrani Bank in Bangladesh. The Application Forms may be procured from Bangladesh Missions Abroad and from any AD Branch of Agrani Bank. in Bangladesh. No set of specimen signatures will be required to be enclosed with the application form if the application is submitted to an AD with whom the applicant has already been holding a Foreign Currency Account. In such a case reference to the respective FC account number will serve as self-introduction and the account-opening branch will verify the signature with the specimen signature maintained for the FC account. 

The concerned AD Branch of Agrani Bank will pay interest on deposits into the accounts at the Euro Currency Deposit rates. In case of premature repayments, the interest amount will be forfeited to the depositing AD Branch. The interest on deposits into this account is exempt from the tax payable under Income Tax Act. 

The Account Holder can freely repatriate the balance and the interest accrued thereon in foreign exchange to the country of his residence or anywhere he chooses and may at his option, convert the balance into local Taka at the prevailing exchange rate. 

Foreign nationals and companies/ firms registered and/or incorporated abroad, banks, other financial institutions, including institutional investors and 100% foreign owned industrial units in the Export Processing Zones in Bangladesh, are also allowed to open and maintain NFCD accounts with the ADs. The minimum amount of time deposits in such cases should be US$ 25,000 or its equivalent in Pound Sterling, Euro or Japanese Yen. Other terms and conditions in respect of these account-holders will be the same as those mentioned above for NFCD accounts of non-resident Bangladesh nationals.

For further information, please contact: Deputy General Manager 
Agrani Bank Limited 
Foreign Currency Management Division 
Head Office 
Tel: (+8802) 9570640 
Fax: (+8802) 956 3662 