Off-Shore Banking Unit (OBU)
The EPZ Corporate Branch, Chattogram of the Bank obtained the Off-shore Banking Unit (“the Unit”) permission vide letter No. BL/DA/5175/87 dated March 7, 1987. Since the marker was not potential, the operation of OBU was not remarkable. As a result, the Central Bank cancelled the license. In 2013, Bangladesh Bank reissue the Off-shore Banking license against Bank’s application. The Bank commenced operation of this unit from January 23, 2014. The Off-shore Banking Unit governed under the rules and guidelines of the Central Bank. Bangladesh Bank, Banking Regulation and Policy Department introduce“Policy for Off-shore Banking Operation of the Banks in Bangladesh” through BRPD circular No. 02, Date 25-02-209. Banking Regulation and Policy Department incorporated some change through BRPD circular No. 09, Date 27-05-2019 & BRPD circular No. 31, Date 18-06-2020. The Off-shore Banking Unit is located at EPZ Corporate Branch, Bay Shopping Center, EPZ, Chattogram. The principal activities of this unit are to provide different types of commercial banking services in foreign currency to its customers through its Off-shore Banking Units in Bangladesh. OBU can accept foreign currency deposit from NRB’S and Foreign Bank/Organization. Off-shore Banking Unit (OBU) borrows from foreign Bank as well as mother Bank and Lending to various organization through Authorized Dealer Branches for Import Payment, Export Bill Discounting, Refinance, Mid and Long Term Loan etc.
The Off-shore Banking Unit maintains its accounting records in USD from which accounts are prepared according to the Bank Companies Act, 1991, Bangladesh Accounting Standards, Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standard (BFRS) and other applicable directives issued by Bangladesh Bank, in particular, Banking Regulations and Policy Department (BRPD) Circular No. 14 (25 June 2003). Off-shore Banking Unit (OBU) becomes popular day by day because of lower Interest Rate and many other factors. Nowadays Off-shore Banking Unit (OBU) plays a vital role in Foreign Exchange Business of our country.
Balance of OBU at a Glance
Major Investment Area of OBU
- Power/Energy Sector
- Garments Sector
- Agro based Business
- Jute Spinning Mills
- Cement Industry
- Pharmaceuticals
- Paper Mills
- Tannery/ Leather Sector
- Light Metal Industry
- Chemical Industry